miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012

Have you ever been to London?

 As the second and third cycle students are working on the project "Let's go travelling", the first cycle students are doing something related to London as well. 

I am showing them some photos of me in London last February. Then, they can learn some cultural aspects such as important monuments and places, typical food and other interesting things.

After that, the students use Google Images to look for photos of Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, a red bus, a black taxi, the Queen Guards and a telephone box.

martes, 27 de noviembre de 2012

Using a mouse

The very young learners need some practice to use the mouse and move the cursor well. That is why they did a colouring activity on www.boowakwala.com

As it is autunm, they painted some mushrooms by selecting a colour and moving the cursor from the paints to the picture.                               



lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2012

Let's go travelling!

We are travelling abroad at Christmas time, so the students have to prepare for the trip!

 Read the project instructions in the following documents:

Project for second cycle 

 Project for third cycle 

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012

Online activities to practise English

This week we are doing online activities to practise our listening and reading skills, grammar and review some vocabulary.
We have a great variaty of activities on Oxford- Surprise! and Angles365.

There are a lot of useful websites to learn English and have fun at the same time. Keep on working!

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2012

What can we do on Google?

We can use GOOGLE to search for information, websites, videos, music and images. Furthermore, it has some other tools that may be useful such as: Maps; Play to find games, books and films; News from all over the world, Youtube with lots of videos, Calendar to have our planning, Translator and Blogger. The latter is an application to create blogs! I used it to create this blog and "English is fun!!".

The students suffered on the blog to read the information, look at the photos, watch the videos, go to the links and do activities and so on.

  They liked it so much!

martes, 6 de noviembre de 2012

Talking about Halloween

After having done projects and Powerpoint presentations, the students talked about Halloween.

Here we have some examples: